
Result Codes
Code Description
Approved - no action
1 Approved
-3 Duplicate Transaction ID
-4 Validation error. Please verify the values you provided are correct
-5 Operation not Allowed
-6 Operation not Supported
-7 Transaction Timeout
-8 Authentication failed
-9 Do not honour (general decline, no specific reason given)
-10 Transaction could not be processed. Please check card is valid and working
-17 Insufficient funds
-18 Exceeds withdrawal amount limit
-19 Invalid amount
-21 Maximum card value would be exceeded
-22 Maximum monthly load value would be exceeded
-23 Invalid terminal for campaign
-24 Security violation
-25 Incorrect PIN
-26 Allowable PIN tries exceeded
-27 Invalid PIN block
-28 PIN length error
-29 Invalid Card Data
-33 Card has a balance
-34 Card already active
-35 Card not active
-36 Expired Card
-37 Suspected fraud
-38 Lost card
-39 Stolen card
-248 Invalid MSISDN
-294 Invalid stop reason code
-295 Invalid expiry date
-296 Invalid transaction date
-297 Invalid transaction ID
-298 Invalid reference data
-299 Invalid reference ID


Any argument that has the type ‘date’ needs to follow the XML-RPC specified ISO 8601 date-time format:



Any transaction amount is represented as it’s cents value. Therefore, an integer rather than a decimal.

  • R100.50 is therefore represented as 10050 rand cents.
  • $10.50 is therefore represented as 1050 dollar cents.

Fee Types
Fee ID Fee Name
1 SMS Balance Enquiry
2 ATM Balance Enquiry
3 ATM - Balance Enquiry - Agent Bank
4 ATM Cash Withdrawal
5 ATM Cash Withdrawal - Agent Bank
6 POS Purchase
7 POS Purchase with Cashback
8 SMS Transaction Notification
9 Emergency Card Advance
10 Emergency Card Replacement/ Cash Advance
11 Cashout
12 Card Order
13 Card Delivery
14 Card Load
15 Monthly Active Card
16 Monthly Inactive Card
17 Spillage
18 Cash Deposit
19 Card Initiation
20 Card Reinitiation
21 Replacement Card

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