Enable instant, contactless QR payments

Our QR Payments API offers a simple plug-and-play model that integrates into digital wallets to enable secure contactless QR payments. 

The QR Payments API allows you to create a contactless merchant payment system where customers can make electronic payments by scanning a QR code from a smartphone application. It’s a simple and secure way for consumers to push payments to merchants using their mobile money wallets or bank account balances.

Paymentology allows integration into Mastercard QR for the issuing and acceptance of QR payments, offering a safe, innovative way for consumers to scan and pay. Where businesses don’t have the infrastructure or finances to purchase expensive in-a-box software, the QR Payments API provides a customizable solution, which mitigates the steep cost of specialized PoS hardware and alleviates the time delay between purchase and payment often associated with using bank cards. Money is transferred directly from their mobile account to merchant, no POS terminal needed, in a single transaction.

Unlike barcodes, which they loosely resemble, QR codes can store URLs, geographic coordinates, and text.

The benefits of QR payments

  • Customers can make cashless payments using their smartphones without needing bank accounts or physical plastic cards.
  • Low cost to issue digital products.
  • QR payments are instant, safe, and secure.

Find out more about how our QR Payments API works.

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