Apple Pay monthly usage frequency report

For clients using Paymentology’s tokenization, Paymentology can issue monthly reports to clients to assist in compiling their Apple report through the Apple Partner Connect platform.

This report refers to the number of times a specific account is used to make a transaction in a given month. This includes any type of Apple Pay transaction i.e. POS or eCommerce.

The report includes the following details:

  • Month – the month the report data is based on.
  • Not used in current month – this is the total count of available DPANs that did not make any successful transaction in the given month.
  • Once(1) in current month – this is the total count of available DPANs that have successfully transacted exactly one time in the given month.
  • Twice(2) in current month – this is the total count of available DPANs that have successfully transacted exactly two times in the given month.
  • 3 times in current month – this is the total count of available DPANs that have successfully transacted exactly three times in the given month.
  • 4 times in current month – this is the total count of available DPANs that have successfully transacted exactly four times in the given month.
  • 5 times in current month – this is the total count of available DPANs that have successfully transacted exactly five times in the given month.
  • 6 times in current month – this is the total count of available DPANs that have successfully transacted exactly six times in the given month.
  • 7 times in current month – this is the total count of available DPANs that have successfully transacted exactly seven times in the given month.
  • 8 times in current month – this is the total count of available DPANs that have successfully transacted exactly eight times in the given month.
  • 9 times in current month – this is the total count of available DPANs that have successfully transacted exactly nine times in the given month.
  • >= 10 times in current month – this is the total count of available DPANs that have successfully transacted at least ten times in the given month.
  • Total – this is the total count of available DPANs in the given month.
  • Active DPAN rate – this is the percentage of DPANs that have transacted in the given month of the total available DPANs. An available DPAN is defined as a token that is provisioned and available for transacting i.e. it is not temporarily blocked.

DPAN (Device Primary Account Number) – A token that acts as a surrogate for the customer’s card number and is used to make contactless and eCommerce transactions using an Apple Pay device.

Only settled transactions are counted.

Report format

XLS [CampaignName]_ApplePay Monthly Frequency Report [Month] YYYY.xls Monthly Via email.

Report time frame

02:00 07:00 Monthly Apple Pay reports are produced on day 2 of the following month.

Report sample

Note: file will automatically download upon clicking link

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