
Security is central to everything we do at Paymentology

These are the measures Paymentology implements to ensure the security of  Sprint’s API services:


1. Checksum

To ensure that transactions are secure, Paymentology uses a checksum-based authentication method (SHA256) to ensure the validity of processes. The checksum is generated mostly from the data in the terminalID and checksum field, which is included in every single API call.

You can think of the terminalID and checksum fields as the username and password, respectively. But the terminalID value in the request).

This guarantees authentication as well as the integrity of every piece of data within the transaction. The terminalID is specific to you and you only, and only Paymentology will know the password associated with that terminalID.

For this process to be fully secure, the recipient of the message will have to recalculate the checksum using all the individual details of the message and then compare it to the Paymentology supplied checksum. If both are the same, the transaction gets authenticated and verified.

During implementation, you can use our Checksum Generator tool to compare the results of your checksum calculation to Paymentology’s checksum calculations.


2. User-Agent Header

Paymentology’s Sprint platform requires a User-Agent header to be included in every request to its API services. The User-Agent request header is a characteristic string that identifies your application, its version number, and the programming language used. 

Paymentology uses this information to effectively isolate problems that might be associated with your applications. It also enables Paymentology to identify you as the authorized caller. 

Any request without a User-Agent header shall be denied.

(application, version and programming lang),
User-Agent: <product> / <product-version> <comment>


3. Disclosure of expected traffic

Paymentology requires you to disclose beforehand the amount of traffic you expect per second. Paymentology also requires information on periods when you expect a higher than usual traffic, such as during holidays and promotions.

Paymentology uses this information to identify abnormal or unexpected traffic surges, which may require more keen attention. This information helps Paymentology better plan its services, prevent disruptions, and identify occasions when its services are flooded with tons of useless requests. 

You need to communicate this information to Paymentology before setting up your production environment.


4. Enforcing IP reputation

Paymentology enforces the AWS IP reputation mechanism as an additional, proactive approach to threat prevention and security management. IP reputation is derived mainly from historical sending patterns and volume. An IP address that sends consistent and predictable volumes of requests over an extended period of time usually has a good reputation.

If your IP address is on the poor reputation list, please contact AWS for resolution.

5. Only server-to-server communication allowed

Paymentology permits only server-to-server communication. Mobile/app-to-server traffic is not permitted at all. Paymentology’s Sprint APIs are designed for server-to-server communication and they do not incorporate user tokens that are considered the security standard for mobile/app-to-server communications. Connectivity to Paymentology servers must always come from a server, even if that server is just proxying requests through to use from your mobile app.

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