
Returns all the tokens (active and inactive) linked to a card


Path parameters


string,  10 characters,  required

The Paymentology issued terminal ID of the terminal requesting the transaction


string,  1-20 characters,  required

Profile number linked with this card


string,  1-10 characters,  required

The tracking number of the card


string,  1-255 characters,  required

Transaction ID number generated by the calling client


date,  required

Transaction date generated by the calling client


string,  required

HMAC-SHA1 or HMAC-SHA256 hashed signature of the concatenated method name with all argument values using the terminal password as private key

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>







Echo of incoming value



Echo of incoming value



Echo of incoming value



Echo of incoming value transaction id



Transaction id generated by Paymentology



Status code indicating transaction result



Text indicating transaction result



The tokens linked to this card, where each token has the following fields:

TokenUniqueReference, string, 48 characters

Unique reference to the token.

DigitizationRequestDateTime, string

Date and time of the initial request for digitization of the Account PAN for this token. This is a conditional field, not present for CoF tokens, string in ISO 8601 format eg. “20150121T02:04:35”

TokenType, string, Valid values:
Type of token

“S” – Embedded Secure Element Token
“C” – Mastercard Cloud-Based Payments token
“F” – CoF (Card on File) token

DeviceID, string

Serial number of the device provisioned with the token. May be masked. Conditional field, not present for CoF tokens, and only present when provided by a Wallet Provider. May be masked (by the Wallet Provider). Example (unmasked) “C2ZBY14310005664”. Example (masked) “xxxxY1431xxxxxxx”.

DeviceName, string

Nickname of the device provisioned with the token. Conditional field, not present for CoF tokens, and only present when the Payment App Provider has implemented the ‘Get Device Info’ MDES API. Eg: “John’s phone”

DeviceType, string

Type of the device provisioned with the token. Valid values: NOTE – Some values from 00–19 may indicate not only the physical form factor but also other attributes such as device technology and payment app specifications.

’00’ – Card.
’01’ – Mobile Network Operator (MNO) controlled removable secure element (SIM or UICC) personalized for use with a mobile phone or smartphone.
’02’ – Key Fob.
’03’ – Watch using a contactless chip or a fixed (non-removable) secure element not controlled by the MNO.
’04’ – Mobile Tag.
’05’ – Wristband.
’06’ – Mobile Phone Case or Sleeve.
’07’ – Mobile phone or smartphone with a fixed (non-removable) secure element controlled by the MNO, for example, code division multiple access (CDMA).
’08’ – Removable secure element not controlled by the MNO, for example, memory card personalized for used with a mobile phone or smartphone.
’09’ – Mobile Phone or smartphone with a fixed (non-removable) secure element not controlled by the MNO.
’10’ – MNO controlled removable secure element (SIM or UICC) personalized for use with a tablet or e-book.
’11’ – Tablet or e-book with a fixed (non-removable) secure element controlled by the MNO.
’12’ – Removable secure element not controlled by the MNO, for example, memory card personalized for use with a tablet or e-book.
’13’ – Tablet or e-book with fixed (non-removable) secure element not controlled by the MNO.
’14’ – Mobile phone or smartphone with a payment application running in a host processor.
’15’ – Tablet or e-book with a payment application running in a host processor.
’16’ – Mobile phone or smartphone with a payment application running in the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) of a host processor.
’17’ – Tablet or e-book with a payment application running in the TEE of a host processor.
’18’ – Watch with a payment application running in the TEE of a host processor.
’19’ – Watch with a payment application running in a host processor. NOTE – Values from 20–99 exclusively indicate the form factor only without also indicating the storage technology.
’20’ – Card.
’21’ – Phone Mobile phone.
’22’ – Tablet/e-reader Tablet computer or e-reader.
’23’ – Watch/Wristband Watch or wristband, including a fitness band, smart strap, disposable band, watch add-on, and security/ID band.
’24’ – Sticker.
’25’ – PC or laptop.
’26’ – Device Peripheral Mobile phone case or sleeve.
’27’ – Tag Key fob or mobile tag.
’28’ – Jewelry Ring, bracelet, necklace, and cuff links.
’29’ – Fashion Accessory Handbag, bag charm, and glasses.
’30’ – Garment Dress.
’31’ – Domestic Appliance Refrigerator, washing machine.
’32’ – Vehicle Vehicle, including vehicle attached devices.
’33’ – Media/Gaming Device Media or gaming device, including a set top box, media player, and television.
’34’ to ’99’ – Reserved for future form factors. Any value in this range may occur within form factor and transaction data without prior notice. Conditional field, not present for CoF tokens, and only present when supplied by the Payment App Provider.

ExpirationDate, date

Expiration date of token. Conditional field, present once the token has been designated for the digitization. Four digit string. Format “mmyy”.

CurrentStatusDescription, string

Description of the current status.

Unmapped. The token has not yet been linked to the Account PAN. The process of tokenization is In Progress.
Active. The token is linked to the Account PAN and may initiate new transactions to be authorized.
Suspended. The token is linked to the Account PAN but may not perform transactions at the request of one or more suspenders.
Deleted. The token is logically deleted but is still linked to the Account PAN for the purposes of post-authorization transaction processing. Eg. “Active”

TokenActivatedDateTime, date

Date and time that the token was activated. Conditional field, present only once the Token has been activated. string in ISO 8601. Example: “20150121T02:04:45”

TokenRequestorName, string

The legal name of the token requestor.

WalletID, string

Identifier of the Wallet Provider who requested the digitization or tokenization. Always populated for any token.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                          <string>Motorola Nexus 6</string>
                          <string>Motorola Nexus 6</string>
                          <string>Motorola Nexus 6</string>


Response Codes
Code Description
1 Ok
-10 Custom error message (see ResultText field for description)
-395 Card not linked to profile
-396 Card not linked to terminal
-398 Card is not allocated

Error Objects

Error Fault for invalid checksum authentication returns the following message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <string>Authentication failed</string>


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