
Result Codes
Code Description
1 Success / OK.
Approved - No Action.
-4 Invalid card number or reference.
-5 Operation not Allowed
-6 Operation not Supported
-7 Transaction Timeout
-8 Authentication failed
-9 Do not honor (general decline, no specific reason given)
  • The checksum that accompanies each request should be calculated as the HMAC-SHA1 hash of the method name concatenated with all the parameters in order. The terminal password should be used as the key for the hash:
hmac_sha1('TerminalPassword', 'MethodNameParam1Param2Param3')

  • Any argument that has the type ‘date’ needs to follow the XML-RPC specified ISO 8601 datetime format:


  • Any transaction amount is represented as its cent value; therefore an integer rather than a decimal.
    • R100.50 is therefore represented as 10050 rand cents.
    • $10.50 is therefore represented as 1050 dollar cents.
  • The field optionalData is mandatory but its contents are optional. It accepts an XML-RPC struct, for example:



Result Codes
Code Description
1 Success / OK.
Approved - No Action.
-4 Invalid card number or reference
-300 Error from Mastercard. See resultText for reference.

The checksum that accompanies each request should be calculated as the HMAC-SHA1 hash of the method name concatenated with all the parameters in order. The terminal password should be used as the key for the hash:

hmac_sha1('TerminalPassword', 'MethodNameParam1Param2Param3')

Any argument that has the type ‘date’ needs to follow the XML-RPC specified ISO 8601 datetime format:


Any transaction amount is represented as its cent value; therefore an integer rather than a decimal.
  • R100.50 is therefore represented as 10050 rand cents.
  • $10.50 is therefore represented as 1050 dollar cents.


The field optionalData is mandatory but its contents are optional. It accepts an XML-RPC struct, for example:




Result Codes
Code Description
1 Success / OK
Approved - No Action
-4 Invalid card number or reference
-300 Error from Mastercard. See resultText for reference

The checksum that accompanies each request should be calculated as the HMAC-SHA1 hash of the method name concatenated with all the parameters in order. The terminal password should be used as the key for the hash:

hmac_sha1(`TerminalPassword`, `MethodNameParam1Param2Param3`)

Any argument that has the type “date” needs to follow the XML-RPC specified ISO 8601 datetime format:



Any transaction amount is represented as it’s cent value therefore an integer rather than a decimal.

  • R100.50 is therefore represented as 10050 rand cents.
  • $10.50 is therefore represented as 1050 dollar cents.


The field optionalData is mandatory but its contents are optional. It accepts an XML-RPC struct, for example:




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